
My Time In Cala D’Or, Majorca!

Hola amigos.

So it is a horrible, wet and windy day here in Ireland, and what better day to write a post about my summer holidays! About 2 months ago I went to the gorgeous island of Majorca in Spain, and oh my I don’t even know where to begin!

I didn’t take much selfies or outfit photos because it was my first ever real ‘sun holiday’ (yes, sad I know) and all I wanted to do was relax and soak up the sun. Can you really blame me?



So Majorca is a beautiful little Island off mainland Spain and we went to the quaint little town of Cala D’Or for 10 days. It was just PERFECT for what I wanted. I am not a lover of hard core partying or tourist towns and Cala D’Or was exactly opposite. It is known for its small, yet breath taking beaches and its white washed buildings. It wasn’t busy or crowded and it was reaching up to 30 degrees every day, sometimes even more!


Like any place in Majorca, there are elements of tourist attractions, but they are kept out of the way and all grouped together so you can enjoy the peace of the island if you want to, or get involved in activities. The sea water was just, I can’t even find words right now, it was just amazing. It is crystal clear and so so warm. I really advise buying a pair of snorkels in the shops and go out in to the deep parts of the sea it really is beautiful!



Now, let me take a moment to talk about the marina. We went to the marina almost every night and we ate there a few times and it’s just perfect! The restaurants are all seated outdoors and are right on the edge of the sea next to all the boats. The marina really was the highlight of the trip and well worth a visit if you are staying in Majorca!



We didn’t stray too much from Cala D’Or because we didn’t have a car but I really wish we did! On our trip from the airport the island is full of mountains and gorgeous scenery. I wish we could have explored more of the island, but that is for another time I guess!



All in all this holiday was just flat out relaxing. I didn’t get up to anything particularly exciting but it was just the R&R I needed! I am still daydreaming about lying on the sand, and it makes me a little depressed just looking out the window here! But maybe that is just a sign of a good holiday!

Thanks for reading!

R x

Come see me on instagram! 


Fitness & Health, Life

So Your In Your Twenties. What Now?

Hola amigo.

So you’ve entered the dreaded ‘twenties’. People tell you these are the best years of your life, yet you are still waiting for one good thing to happen.

You are fresh out of college, have a job (that you probably hate), and still have no clue how to work the washing machine.

If this sounds like you, you are not alone my love. I am still in the early twenties phase, which means I am no expert on getting my life together, but I do have some advice to give those who are in need of some guidance. So if you are just after entering a ‘mini life crisis’ then sit down and read on sister!

#1 Just breath.

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The good thing about being in your twenties is that for the majority of us, we don’t have very much responsibility. We don’t have any children to mind, no mortgage to pay off and our health is at its peak.

So take the time to relax and unwind. You do not need to have your life in order right now so don’t sweat it. You are young, enjoy it!

#2 Get in shape – while you still can.

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Ok your body will never be as adaptive to change as it is right now. You are in your babe body element. Your body is just fueling with energy and your metabolism is just waiting to burn fat. Although you may not think it, your body is a machine just waiting to be fine tuned while you are in your twenties.

So get in shape while you still can. Work your ass off because believe me you will regret it when your body is slowing down and not as limber as you would like it be.

#3 Learn to be alone.

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Learn to trust yourself and you will be a very happy woman for the rest of your life. You do not need to rely on others anymore. You don’t need to go to the bathroom in groups of 5, do it alone. Who cares? Don’t spend your time worrying that you might look like a loner, nobody cares and it’s a waste of your valuable brain energy (and god knows we don’t need to waste any more of that).

So go to the beach alone, bring a book or your ipod and chill out. Grab a coffee alone, go to dinner, go to the movies. Being independent and confident is a good thing. So learn how to do it before it’s too late!

#4 Learn how to mind yourself.

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Finally learn how to use the washing machine, learn how to make a (healthy) meal, learn how to change a tyre. These are the things that are going to keep you sane during your twenties. Nobody likes calling for help every 2 seconds, so learn how to take care of things for yourself and you will be much happier.

#5 Get rid of negative people.

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Your twenties will be jam packed with new experiences and moments that you won’t want to forget, do not have them compromised by negative people in your life. Cut them off one by one and keep a small circle of close trustworthy friends. It is much better to have a handful of amazing friends than a lot of negative, untrustworthy ones.

Keep your distance from anyone that looks like trouble, you do not need that in your life and it will make it so much easier!

#6 Travel far.

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We have entered an era where travel is at our finger tips. You can make it half way across the world in less than 24 hours so why not make the most of it? What else will you be spending your money on? Save up every last penny and make your way across the globe one place at a time.

Create memories and experiences that will last a lifetime!

So to top it all off, I know that entering your twenties can be more damaging to you than good. I know what it feels like to be still living at home and hating yourself for not having your life together. Just remember that this is the time where you really become the person who you are meant to be. Enjoy it and relax. Everything always works out in the end, and if you work hard enough, the rewards are priceless.

Thanks for reading! x

Find me on Instagram!



Change For The Better – New Blog Name!

Hola chica’s.

So to cut a long story short, I changed the name of my blog.

Ya, crazy I know.

I made ‘rosyposy’ a while back before I decided to take this seriously. But I fell in love with blogging and the idea of making it a serious hobby so I decided it needed a little face lift!

So starting with the name, I am giving my blog a little more sophisticated look. So bare with me a while and keep an eye out for new a better things to come!

Fitness & Health, Life

Creating A Healthy Relationship With The Gym!

Hey hey, good lookin’

The gym. Some of us love it, some of us try to love it, and the majority of us?

Hate it.

I personally, hated the gym when I first started working out. I hated that I didn’t know what I was doing, the sweat, the effort of going in and showering after, but mostly I hated the men in there.

I felt pressured to look like I knew what I was doing, to be faster on the treadmill, lift more weights, look better. But I now feel so stupid thinking back. How could I let myself think like that? Ugh!

I found a beautiful relationship with the gym over a year or two. It’s still not perfect. I do have off days, but the majority of the time I’m in there I do enjoy it.

I know from just talking to my friends and work collegues, how intimidating the gym is. I got lucky and did 2 years in college of a health and fitness related course, so I wasn’t totally lost.

But for you ladies who are in need of some help, keep on reading!

#1 Set (realistic) goals.


OK, this one is the toughest for me, because I struggled with it too, and I see my friends every day struggle with it aswell.

A silly goal is, I want to look like Adriana Lima.

A realistic goal is, I want to lose 2 pounds by next month.

You see the difference? By creating stupid, unattainable goals is setting you up for failure. Nobody can look like Adriana Lima over night, and going into the gym thinking you are going to look like her in a week, is just mad talk.

My advice is to measure yourself. See what you weigh, look at yourself and tell yourself what you want to change, then break it down.

So you want to lose 10 pounds over all?  Start by trying to lose 1 pound a week.

You want to lose 2 inches off your bum? Try to lose a few cm a week or fortnight.

You want to run a 5k? Start by walking a 5k.

Everything you want is attainable. Just be patient and work it out reasonably.

#2 Get help!


If you have no clue how the weight section works, or even looks like, then ask for help.

DO NOT, and I repeat, do no, venture into a section of the gym you are unaware of!

Doing so is asking for an injury, never mind the humiliation of breaking equipment. Gyms are full of gym junkies just waiting to tell you all they know. So ask one. If you are uncomfortable asking a guy, and if there is no female workers that day, maybe approach a fellow lady gym goer.

Do not have fear in asking for help, because it will be your biggest asset when you do!

#3 Do not be afraid of the men.


I am speaking to the 99.9% of the female gym population that are intimidated by the hormone fuelled, sweating, grunting men around the gym. I still struggle to this day with my self – esteem around the guys.

I’ll let you in on a little secret though.

Half the men in there don’t even know what they are doing either!

Men are egotistical, and hate asking for help. I’m not being stereotypical here either, I know this because I worked in a gym for 2 1/2 years! I would see guys just asking for an injury or running the risk of injuring another person because they didn’t have a clue what they were doing.

And do you think they ever asked for help? 


So just own it when you are in the gym around the guys. Just put in your earphones and do your own thing.

I’l let you in on another secret too.

Guy’s love a girl who knows what she’s doing in the gym.

Don’t believe me? Just go ask any guy friend. You will be amazed my love.

#4 Get a routine and stick to it.


If you have a set schedule every week, sit down some night and work the gym around it.

If you have a less than set schedule (like me) then sit down every Sunday night and fit in the gym when you can.

For example my workout schedule is:

Gym 3 times a week

Swim 1 day

Run 1 day

Rest 2 days

And every Sunday I just stick in those days whenever I can. If you have a set routine, it is a lot harder to break. Same goes for the actual workout itself. Get a trainer or find one on line (a legit source) and make out a workout programme. Bring it with you to every session and stick by it. Not only does time go by faster when you are ticking it off bit by bit, but it also gives you structure, keeping your head clear and focused.

#5 Get a gym buddy!


This one has helped me a lot! I hate working out alone now, even if I’m on the other end of the gym to my buddy, just knowing they are there is a big boost! If none of your friends like the gym, just ask them if they would like to try. None of my friends liked the gym when I started, and now they come in with me all the time because I just asked them to come one day!

Doing exercise classes is a big help too. You are not alone and it helps to know that other people are in your position too.

You can even make it into a weekly catch up thing! Go and grab a coffee after or go for a little shop!

So that is all I have for today ladies! I hope I do help and if you need any advice or have any questions please leave a comment below I would love to help!

Thanks for reading! x

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Beauty, Reviews

Elemis Skincare Products Review!


(That’s Hello in Zulu, in case you were thinking I’v gone mad)

So I have gone on a little Elemis craze. I work with Elemis in the spa I work in, so I am pretty involved with all the products and how they work. But last week I treated myself to a few products of my own and I am working on building up my collection so I am going to be using just Elemis!

I only picked up 2 skin care items, but they came with a free gift that day so I will be reviewing those goodies too!

Bare in mind these products are high end, but are on the cheaper end of the scale so don’t be turned off by the prices just yet!

So get scrolling and reading sista!

#1 Rosepetal Rehydrating Cleanser

I have very tempermental skin. One day it is dry as the Sahara and the next I am as oily as if I had been working in a chip van all night! Lately my skin has been on the drier side with flakey bits around my nose (I blame my old cheap moisturiser – I won’t name and shame right now) so I figured the rehydrating cleanser would be the best option.

I comes in a 250 ml bottle and a pump action top which dispenses just the right amount of product in one pump. The product itself is rich and might be too rich for people borderline oily/dry skin. It really does say exactly what it intends to do – rehydrate.

My skin has improved leaps and bounds since I started using it twice a day for only a week now! I still get a bit dry if I cleanse my face too soon before bed or if I don’t cleanse it right when I wake up, but the minute I do cleanse, the dryness is completely gone!

Another thing to note about Elemis is that they are 100% natural. No nasty alcohols or chemicals that will irritate your skin, and they are a company that research their products, they don’t just slap on a name to a product they didn’t make.

This did cost me €27.00 , which is a little bit more expensive than I usually paid, but I do think it is well worth it!


#2 Skin Buff Exfoliator

Let me start by saying, this exfoliator is a MUST for every woman/girl/lady with congested, clogged, dull skin. This is a very fine exfoliator that is not like the typical large grained ones. I suffer from very congested and dull skin and this brings life and colour to it from just one exfoliate!

I like to use this twice a week, on dry cleansed skin. It is a little drying so you have to make sure you moisturise after, and it is a bit of a pain to take off as the grains are so tiny they stick everywhere! A good splash of water takes it off just fine though, and you have to be sure to wash your hands well as the grains stay in between your fingers and you end up getting it in your eyes throughout the day! Not fun!

It comes in a 50ml bottle, which may not seem like a lot, but when you only use it twice a week it lasts a long time. All of Elemis products only need the tiniest amount to work so your 50 ml will take you a long way!

This set me back €36.00 which again is a little expensive, BUT if you want radiant clearer skin, you will spend!

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#3 Pro Collagen Marine Cream

Ok so in my free goodie bag I got a few different sample sized products, but I find only 2 are worth reviewing right now. One being the Pro Collagen Marine Cream. This little gem is a life saver for my dry skin. It is advertised as an anti-ageing moisturiser, but I use it daily anyway as it is the only one that treats my dry areas and doesn’t clog me up!

I work with this everyday on women that get facials and they cannot say enough for it! It is extremely refreshing on the skin and light, even though it is designed for mild to severe dryness. It smells AMAZING! Actually, I meant to say, all Elemis products smell gorgeous!

You only need the tiniest piece to work with, it is recommended by Elemis themselves that you should feel an almost dry rub on your skin after it is all applied. It shouldn’t sit on the skin like an extra layer, you need to let your skin absorb it!

A full sized, 50ml bottle will set you back €100! This stuff is gold dust and does not sell cheap. I am yet to find a good dupe, and Elemis carry a just as good moisturiser for a lot less, but for more oily skins, which does not suit me. I would suggest getting a gift set that has a smaller version in it, or emailing Elemis themselves to see if they would send you a sample!

I give this product a 10/10 for dry skin, I cant exactly comment on the anti ageing part though (thank god!) but I have heard wonders about it from older women that come to me for facials!

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#4 Pro Radiance Cleanser

This stuff is relatively new to Elemis. It is one of their latest inventions and I just KNOW I need to have the full size! The first time I used it, I used it about a hour before I went to the gym, just after work, and I didnt take much notice of anything that it did for me. BUT, then I was in the gym and I walked past a mirror and I had to stop to take a second look!

My skin was actually radiant and glowing! I have never seen my skin like it. I was thinking ‘What the?’ and put it down to the lighting in the gym, but then I went home and saw again that it was almost kind of translucent.

I don’t know how much it is retailing for in euro but have a 150ml for $49.00, which is very good considering how well the product works!

This is what the website states:

More than an anti-ageing cleanser, Elemis Pro-Radiance Cream Cleanser actually withdraws impurities and at the same time infuses the skin with anti-ageing properties! 

Relaxes wrinkles and boosts skin radiance
Easily loosens and removes make-up
Thick creamy texture
Great for hormonal, dry or flaky skin
Rich in minerals and vitamins
Unique anti-oxidant power

And I believe it does exactly that!

It is a thick cream that you warm up on your fingers and rub into the skin. You leave it sit for a minute as it ‘absorbs’ the oils and grim, and then wash it off! That simple!

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And that is it for my review this time! If you have any questions about ANY Elemis products please leave a comment! I have worked with almost every product so I know them inside out by now and I would love to help!

Thanks for reading! x

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How To Rock – High Slit Maxi Skirts!

Hi there!

Maxi skirts eh? They’re pretty darn cute. Maxi skirts with a high slit. Even darn cuter. Want some different ideas and inspiration on how to pull them off?

Then keep on reading, sista.

#1 Oh I’m just going to the mall for a look – Said no right minded young lady ever


Let your maxi skirt do all the work and keep the outfit simple. Something as easy as this is perfect for shopping and wandering around the mall. Super quick and easy to take off in the changing rooms and so comfortable!

#2 Who me? Ya I’m just heading to the beach is all.

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Maxi skirts are great for the beach. Just slip it on and off and your good to go! Easy breezy crop t shirts are a good match and look cute! Grab your beach bag and maxi skirt and your good to go!

#3 Did someone say food? That late night dinner date.

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The great thing about maxi skirts is that you can dress them up and down, and when you dress them up, you really dress them up. Add some gorgeous summer wedges and a laid back shrug and your good to go!

#4 That late evening summer BBQ

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Converse are a great way to make the maxi skirt a casual look. I kept it clean and minimal with a large tote and floppy sun hat, just to match the laid back mood of a late night BBQ!

Well that’s it for today folks! I hope you got some ideas and inspiration from this and please comment below if you have any questions or feedback!

PS. Click below for some more fun!

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Get The Look – Emma Stone!

Welcome back sista.

Well, I don’t know about you, but my Twitter/Instagram/Facebook was FULL of last nights Met Ball fashionistas, and the best dressed (by a long shot) was the beautiful Emma Stone for me.

Just gorgeous!

If you haven’t seen the masterpiece of an outfit, here ya go.

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Again, just gorgeous!

She got it all right, down to the make up. Just perfection in my eyes. Not too much make up, not too much accessories, just perfect! I have seen some nasty comments about Emma’s choice in outfit, saying it was too casual for the Met Ball, but in my opinion, it is flawless and if Emma wants to wear it to the Met Ball, Emma can wear it!

And you know what the best part about all of this is?

I have found an almost exact (minus the designer label price) look for us ladies at home looking to replicate this beautiful outfit!

Just a word of warning here, almost the whole outfit is from, I’m not like affiliated with them or anything (gosh I wish) I just really really like their stuff, and they have a HUGE selection and in almost every colour, so I couldn’t help myself!

*Quick disclaimer: I do not condone copying at all, I think everyone should be unique and put their own twist on things. This look is for people who are inspired and would like to re create the outfit for themselves!*

The skirt

I decided to start with the best piece. That gorgeous gorgeous skirt. The original was by Thakoon, and was most likely $1000 and up! I found this lovely dupe by for only €15!!

Say whaaaat?

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For an alternative, if side slits and maxi length really isn’t your thing, then I suggest a midi skirt. 50’s style, grease inspired swing skirts are a thing this summer, and again, good ol do a great one!

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The crop top.

Emma’s crop top is oh-so casual, high necked and super flattering! I think I say this in every single one of my posts, but I cannot stress how flattering high neck tops are on smaller chested ladies!

No really.

If you are a small chested lady (like myself) then try a high neck next time you are shopping. It makes all the difference!

This pretty dupe is from (surprise,surprise) and for only €6, I mean, why not!

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As an alternative, if your not really feeling the original, then go for something a little different, but still falls in the same crop top family. I found a stunning little number on, (go on have a guess) It is different yet still so pretty and chic!

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The clutch.

I love that Emma decided to play with metallics in the shoes and clutch. The silver really bounces off the pink and brings out the colours beautifully! The clutch is quite basic and oddly enough, very hard to find! So I have settled on a cute little one I came across in Zara the other day, which I think is just fab!

This one is a little on the pricier side. But, I saw it in store and it is amazing quality and comes with a strap to convert into a shoulder bag! Really worth the money if you are going to wear it a lot!

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As for an alternative, I really couldn’t just settle on one. Almost any clutch would do, the box style clutches are of course all in at the moment, but any style would look just as nice!

The shoes.

Emma’s heels are a basic silver sandal. Pretty much in every shop now, but again, do a nice pair for a pretty decent price!

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Again, like the clutch, there are so many different types of alternatives here. Any strappy sandal works or even flat sandals, whatever makes you happy honey, you work it!

Alternative colours.

So, I think a major part of what makes Emma’s outfit so great, is her colouring. Pink is gorgeous on her light skin tone and auburn hair, and obviously we are not all made that way, so here are some colour schemes to match other skin tones and hair colours.

Black & White : a classic for all types

Light & Dark Blue : stunning on blondes and light skins

Light & Dark Greens : gorgeous on brunettes and olive skins

Yellow & Orange/Coral : beautiful on darker skin tones and black hair

Green & Blue : colour block colours great on blondes and lighter tones

Red & Pink : fab for darker tones and dark hair

I hope I have helped! If you find this outfit as gorgeous as I do, please let me know in the comments below! 

Psst: Click below and on the pictures to take you to the sites!

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What To Wear To A Wedding!

Hello friend.

I love weddings. I love the ceremony, the after party, the food, the catching up with old family members, the food.

Did I mention the food?

All jokes asides, the one thing that I love the most about a wedding, is the dress. I just love dressing up, the preparation before and planning an outfit!

So if you are lucky enough to be attending a wedding in the near future, keep on reading for some seriously cute outfit inspiration!

The black tie wedding.

Black tie attire means exactly what it says on the tin. It’s black suits for the gentlemen and black dresses for the ladies. Short or long it really doesn’t matter, just as long as its black!

Look #1


Stay ever so classy in a short sleeved LBD. I added two types of heels and clutches, the patent stilettos and envelope clutch for the more classic lady, and the strappy heels and the statement clutch for the more edgy lady. I am a minimalist when it comes to fashion, I love the less is more look, and I always believe this when it comes to events. Less is always more, which is why I only added one simple chunky boyfriend watch for a little spice!


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The good thing about floor length dresses is that you tall ladies can get away with flats all night, (and you don’t have to shave your legs) or you can wear heels too, whatever tickles your fancy! Keep it elegant with simple pieces and neutral make up.

Tip: Keep it ultra glam and elegant by keeping eye make up and lips neutral and put emphasis on sculpting the face, cheekbones and collarbones. Works a charm every time!

The black tie optional wedding.

Black tie optional is again, just as it says. It’s optional. You can wear black if you like, or you can go a little more casual and less elegant if you want.


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If black isnt exactly your thing, but bright colours really arn’t either, then dark navy is a good option. Plus, it looks great with fair to medium complexions, which means no fake tanning! Yay! Keep accessories light and fun to match the mood of the affair!

The white tie wedding.

The most formal of them all. I really don’t think anyone but the royal family do white tie weddings, but hey, who knows, maybe one day you will be invited to a royal wedding? 😉


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Floor length dresses are mandatory at a white tie wedding, so keep it classy and chic with a plain, well fitted dress that accents your shape. Keep it simple but make your hair and make up amazing, always look well put together!

The casual beach/resort wedding.

With casual weddings, pretty much anything goes. Maxi dresses, sun dresses, you name it you can wear it!


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Keep it light and fun at a beach wedding. They are casual and easy going events so that is how your mood should be! Even wear a floppy hat with some soft waves for the ultimate beach babe look!

Well ladies that is all for today’s inspiration. I hope I helped if you are attending a wedding anytime soon, or even just going to an event! Inspiration is all good at the end of the day!

Please leave a comment down below if you have any feedback or questions! Oh, and click below too! 😉

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5 Ways To Wear – Tulle Skirts!

Hola amigo.

Summer is upon us (thank heavens) and what better way to show off those sexy pins than a pretty little tulle skirt?

OK I think there are other ways to show off your pins, but tulle skirts are a good way to start!

For those who arnt familiar with the term ‘Tulle skirts’  they are those gorgeous, girly, poofy skirts that came out with a bang when Jessica Alba wore one in the cutest way ever.

Here see.


My favorite version of the tulle skirt is the above the knee length, and perfect for this summer too! So, enough blabbering already, lets get into it!

#1 The classic ‘Dinner date’ look


The black crop sweater and baby pink tulle skirt is the kind of classic look Jessica Alba made cool. I love the colour combos, black to make it edgy and nigh time  appropriate, and pretty pink to make it girl and fun. I added am edgy black clutch and some feminine nude heels to complete the look!

#2 The ‘Shopping and ice-cream’ look

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I just love pastels this summer, and I can’t get enough plain white tees! These cute boxy style tee’s are everywhere lately, and so flattering on smaller chested ladies. I added some cute heels just to spice up the outfit a little and a cute pastel green clutch turned shoulder bag to pull it all together!

#3 The ‘Late night’ look

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This is similar to the first outfit but a little more on the edgy side. Tulle skirts are adorable for nights out with the girls, pair it with a leather jacket and you are good to go!

#4 The ‘Lunch date’ look

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I just adore this look! So girly and fun! I added a pop of colour in the heels and a gorgeous sun hat to compliment the floral crop top. Perfect!

#5 The ‘I love to shop’ look

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Tulle skirts are a great way to tone down a more edgy look. If you love the whole burnt out tee and messy hair look, but you also like being girly and feminine, this is the perfect look for you! Add a floral clutch and some ballerina flats to compliment the look, and some sunnies just because you can!

So that’s it for my take on tulle skirts this time! I hope you enjoyed and got some inspiration from here. Please leave a comment below if you have any questions or feedback! 

Oh, and also be sure to click below for some fun!

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One Carry On – 10 Outfits!

Hola amigo.

So the summer is coming up. Which means some of us may be fortunate enough to be going on a holiday somewhere, which also means that we have to pack.

And we all know that everyone hates packing.

Nobody wants to spend more money on extra baggage and if you are like me, you will try and squeeze everything into your carry on suitcase, which is all good if you are not an over packer.

But I am.

I over pack way too much! So, I have come up with a little inspiration to help you fellow over-packers too. ❤

The carry on.


One suitcase.

8 items.

1 bikini.

2 sandals.

1 bag and 2 pieces of jewellery.

All you need for a 10 day holiday in the sun. 🙂

The outfits.

out 4 out 5

out 7 out 3

out 2 out 1

out 0 out 10

out 11

So there you go! It’s that simple to pack a holiday into a carry on suitcase! Just pick items that mix and match well and presto, you are a packing genius!

I hope you got some inspiration from this, please let me know in the comments below if you have any feedback or questions!

Pssst. Click below too for fun 😉

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